Thursday, February 2, 2012

Alketas Pazis

Currently located in a 400 m2 factory from the 50's, Temporary-Showroom (under the discerning eye of Alketas Pazis) operates as a prop house for the filming industry, specializing in locating, rescuing and reclaiming mid-century modern and industrial antiques. This fabulous space also doubles as Pazis' home in Athens, Greece...

world of warm coffee served in tin white post war mugs and assorted delectable sweets offered in a U shape tin hospital syringe/urinal container. All around us items flourish such as an old fashioned gymnasium leather beam, a metal locker with mesh wire frame doors, a magnificent apothecary and ‘on gard’ fencing swords and masks, because after all in the 40’s, a true gentlemen fought in true style."

(Tina Komninou for Yatzer)

Photos by Vangelis Paterakis and Vassilis Skopelitis via Yatzer. Initially via Beefy

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